Prof. Shiban K. Koul, Ph.D.

Medical Applications of MHz to Sub-THz Waves

Abstract - 

The field of RF has undergone a paradigm shift in recent years. From being a technology that had its utilization mainly in Telecommunications and Radar applications, it is today the forefront technology for a myriad of biomedical applications. The market for biomedical applications is expanding and this in turn is constantly driving the demand for a plethora of RF products with smaller sizes, increased functionality, and integration. Consequently, recent years have seen rapid changes in RF techniques as well as technology. This trend is continuing enabling the use of increasingly higher RF frequencies with their inherent advantages of smaller component size and larger bandwidth. In particular, the use millimeter waves, and sub-terahertz frequencies has opened new opportunities in terms of the development of non-invasive sensors for a variety of biomedical applications including diagnostic and drug delivery systems.
The talk will cover some of the biomedical applications of RF, Microwave, Millimeter waves and sub-terahertz frequencies. Examples and use of body area networks, targeted drug delivery systems, painless diagnostic systems, vital body parameter monitoring, non-invasive blood glucose monitoring sensors, imaging to effectively detect breast cancer etc. will be presented. The use of millimeter waves for diagnostics and treatment of certain body parameter disorders will also be described. Finally, the scope for future research in this important area will be briefly presented.

Shiban K. Koul received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Regional Engineering College, Srinagar, India, in 1977, and the MTech. and Ph.D. degrees in microwave engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India, in 1979 and 1983, respectively. He is an Emeritus Professor with the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi since 2019 and Mentor Deputy Director (Strategy & Planning, International affairs) with IIT Jammu, J&K, India since 2018. He served as Deputy Director (Strategy and Planning) with IIT Delhi from 2012-2016. He also served as the Chairman of Astra Microwave Products Limited, Hyderabad from 2009-2019 and Dr R.P. Shenoy Astra Microwave Chair Professor at IIT Delhi from 2014-2019. His research interests include RF MEMS, high frequency wireless communication, microwave engineering, microwave passive and active circuits, device modelling, millimeter and sub-millimeter wave IC design, body area networks, flexible and wearable antennas, medical applications of sub-terahertz waves and reconfigurable microwave circuits including miniaturized antennas. He has successfully completed 38 major sponsored projects, 52 consultancy projects and 61 technology development projects. He has authored/co-authored 601 research papers, 22 state-of-the art books, 5 book Chapters and 2 e-books. He holds 26 patents, 6 copyrights and one trademark. He has guided 28 PhD theses and more than 120 master’s theses.
Prof Koul is a Life Fellow of IEEE and Fellow of INAE and IETE. He is the Chief Editor of IETE Journal of Research, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Cambridge University Press. He served as a Distinguished Microwave Lecturer of IEEE MTT-S for the period 2012-2014. Prior to this, he served as a Speaker Bureau Lecturer of IEEE MTT-S. He also served as an AdCom member of the IEEE MTT-S from 2010-2018 and is presently a member of the Awards, Nomination and Appointments, MGA, M&S and Education committees of the IEEE MTT-S. He is the recipient of numerous awards including IEEE MTT Society Distinguished Educator Award (2014); the Teaching Excellence Award (2012) from IIT Delhi; the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Young Scientist Award (1986); Top Invention Award (1991) of the National Research Development Council for his contributions to the indigenous development of ferrite phase shifter technology; VASVIK Award (1994) for the development of Ka- band components and phase shifters; Ram Lal Wadhwa Gold Medal (1995) from the Institution of Electronics and Communication Engineers (IETE); Academic Excellence Award (1998) from Indian Government for his pioneering contributions to phase control modules for Rajendra Radar, Shri Om Prakash Bhasin Award (2009) in the field of Electronics and Information Technology, VASVIK Award (2012) for the contributions made to the area of Information, Communication Technology (ICT) and M N Saha Memorial Award (2013) from IETE.